
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When Irony Attacks

Now traditionally this blog doesn't really act as a consumer guide in any other way than pointing out what television shows you should probably avoid in prime-time, but when I read this story I felt that I had to get the message out--to warn you, my readers.

Apparently while designers were testing out a new gizmo designed to repel sharks with ever-so-cool electromagnetic fields, the "shark shield" was, well, attacked by a great white shark. Luckily, no one was hurt during the incident save the unfortunate buoy strapped to the device. I'm hoping someone left the thing on the wrong setting or something. Maybe accidentally reversed the polarity when they nuked their breakfast burrito.

The designers claim the device works as long as it remains motionless. You mean like while attached to a buoy?

In brief: don't watch buy.

Thanks Uberreview.

I punched a whale. Right in the face. Down he went, like Liston.

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