
Friday, January 11, 2008

They're (He's) Back

So A Daily Show and The Colbert Report are now airing again. Sans writers apparently, but I don't really know how they can put on a show without some form of writing. They can't be adlibing everything, someone has to write the words on those news graphics like "space reserved for clever pun." I'm not sure how they are making this show and not crossing the picket line.

I'm not keeping abreast (hehe) of all the transpiring of the strike but if the issues or behaviours of parties involved have not changed then I'm still siding with the writers and thus hate to see a show--especially two as important and The Daily Show and The Colbert Report--abandon their writers. But! there may be more going on here than I know (I hope), as I wouldn't put it past Viacom owned Comedy Central to encourage the shows' return. I imagine both shows are pretty important for the network and having them gone for several months doesn't help ratings at all.

But in the end should I worry about the moral implications of all this? I do have two of my favourite regular shows back. Seems like I'm looking the gift horse right in the kisser.


Funny guy Aaron F., has got a video on the YouTube off The Offline. Enjoy.

These are the rules: if I know you personally and you put funny stuff on YouTube, I link it. However, Aaron, you could do the rest of us funny people a favour by not being so damn funny all the time. Throwing it out there.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Like Little School Girls

What the hell is wrong with these two guys?

I think it's sorta lame to put yourself in what I think all parties involved knew was going to be a pretty lousy movie and then get upset when someone calls you on it. I was actually disappointed in both David Cross and Jason Lee for taking part in Alvin and the Chipmunks. I sorta understand that sometimes you gotta get paid again, but you need to consider whether a new cottage is really worth jeopardizing the integrity you build the rest of your career on. Cross' comedy is so often about the garbage that is accepted as entertainment/news/politics nowadays and so venomous rants about Scott Stapp lose a little of their bite. That said, Creed always did suck and Cross has occasionally sought a few bucks while trying to mostly do his own not-suck thing.

And I think Oswalt understands the compromise you sometimes make when you need to make some cash and remind the powers that be you can indeed bring in the box-office dollars (I believe those 'munks are currently #2 in theatres?). Thus Oswalt's comment was more likely made in camaraderie than in contention. Really though, how did he not think there might be some confused animosity generated from reference to a (sarcastic yet amicable) joke made in conversation more than a year ago?

Whatever. Both these guys are smart and both of these guys are funny and so it seems they were able to hug-it-out-bitch. What's more amusing to me, however, is how defensive Cross comes across. I think someone is feeling a little ashamed about his decision and might be doth-protesting too much.

Happy new year comedy-cats.