
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Like Little School Girls

What the hell is wrong with these two guys?

I think it's sorta lame to put yourself in what I think all parties involved knew was going to be a pretty lousy movie and then get upset when someone calls you on it. I was actually disappointed in both David Cross and Jason Lee for taking part in Alvin and the Chipmunks. I sorta understand that sometimes you gotta get paid again, but you need to consider whether a new cottage is really worth jeopardizing the integrity you build the rest of your career on. Cross' comedy is so often about the garbage that is accepted as entertainment/news/politics nowadays and so venomous rants about Scott Stapp lose a little of their bite. That said, Creed always did suck and Cross has occasionally sought a few bucks while trying to mostly do his own not-suck thing.

And I think Oswalt understands the compromise you sometimes make when you need to make some cash and remind the powers that be you can indeed bring in the box-office dollars (I believe those 'munks are currently #2 in theatres?). Thus Oswalt's comment was more likely made in camaraderie than in contention. Really though, how did he not think there might be some confused animosity generated from reference to a (sarcastic yet amicable) joke made in conversation more than a year ago?

Whatever. Both these guys are smart and both of these guys are funny and so it seems they were able to hug-it-out-bitch. What's more amusing to me, however, is how defensive Cross comes across. I think someone is feeling a little ashamed about his decision and might be doth-protesting too much.

Happy new year comedy-cats.

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