
Monday, December 24, 2007

Now Santa Clause 3: What a Holiday Classic

Surprisingly, there has not been a whole slew of Christmas postings on my part despite both the abundance of time I have on my hands and the ammount of Christmas cheer I'm pounding back every night.

Apologies but I really have nothing biting or insightful to say regarding Christmas laughs. Unlike Halloween, which is not known for yucks, Christmas is a time of year when people do want to be all jolly like, so there are dozens upon dozens of painfully obvious quality comedies. I feel a little lame because I don't have any sort of obscure or indie comedy to suggest, but I thought I'd list the things I like to watch just because my Halloween entry was ever-the-so-popular.

Futurama Xmas Story and A Tale of Two Santas. Xmas Story is one of the finest Futurama episodes available, and because of my reluctance to watch it at any other time than Xmas, all the jokes stay unwarn. Seriously there is a good joke every 4 seconds. Then A Tale of Two Santas, well, has this:I'm also quite a fan of Merry Christmas Mr. Bean. The toy manger and band conducting scenes are pretty chuckle worthy whether you loathe or love the guy. There's also the Muppet Christmas Carol which is funny enough and makes my heart grow a little with nostalgia. And The Venture Bro's Christmas special is both brief and funny, so if you have ten minutes you should check it out.

Then obviously if you still haven't listened to me, maybe you should watch the Extra's Christmas special and while your at it the British Office's Christmas special aswell.

Regarding the classics, my favourites have always been The Grinch and Peanuts. The Grinch is funny enough, has some classicly amusing Doc Suess lines, and that wicked Grinch theme song. Peaunts isn't all that funny but makes up for it by being the fucking peanuts special. And who doesn't like that little dude on the piano hating on Lucy? Also the music is absolutely killer--every year before Christmas break we'd watch this in music class. My teacher loved him some Vince Guaraldi.

So those are my recommendations for your Christmas viewings. I hope you have something to watch with a little more comedy obscurity cred. Perhaps Father Ted or Blackadder? I really wish I had a punchline here.

Whatever. Merry Crimmas!

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