So, whoa.
I mean the trailer is pretty good. I've been excited about this movie for a while. But the internet does seem to be losing its shit over this like minute and a half of trailer. Let's think about this movie for a second.
Alright, Edgar Wright.
Shaun of the Dead and
Hot Fuzz. Also
Spaced. When I heard he was directing I knew that this was likely going to be a pretty good adaptation. Those are some of the most intelligent comedies made in recent bits. So, really I'm excited for his next movie no matter what.
Oh, and then add Michael Cera. My love for him has not abated despite
Year One. I do sorta get the hate that has sprung up for him. Yes, he often plays the same character. Well, sort of. I mean, he has a certain sense of delivery (which I love) that can make him seem more like the same then he would otherwise, follow? The characters he plays seem more similar than they would normally because of his delivery. I'm not saying they're that much different, but I am saying that many many many other actors have made careers of playing slight variations of themselves and are still generally considered good actors (cough cough george clooney). I think Cera has a great ear for comedy and balls to people who are tired of his schtick.
Now Scott Pilgrim, on paper... You know, I don't love these books. Disclaimer: I've read the first two of the Pilgrim series, and it is possible that they get better. Point: I dig the fight my exes bit (especially as a final act reveal in the first book) but otherwise I find the series unremarkable. I don't hate it, but it's not mind-blowing. Yes, it oozes style that often makes you dig the genre-bending/awareness, but the dialogue and characters are a tad underdeveloped.
Also, the books aren't all about videogames(!), but that's all the trailer seems to be about. Lots of comic/videogamey violence. Maybe that's how they're trying to sell the movie, but in the books there's a lot more that goes on. There is a lot of talking, a lot of music stuff (especially as it relates to indie rock in Toronto), and most importantly there's Pilgrim being a dumb dumb. While the fight scenes do look pretty bad-ass (is Cera seriously fighting Jason Schwartzman with a flaming katana!?) I think the movie will miss an opportunity if it doesn't also feature prominently the music and self loathing of the books.
This movie has a lot to live up to, I mean even beyond me. There are a lot of people really excited about this movie, and we've seen what expectations will do for a film. I just sorta want to cover my head and duck... like, after I watch the trailer again.