
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Roger Ebert on Glenn Beck

Now, picking on Glenn Beck is like shooting fish strapped to your gun barrel, but Beck has started railing on Christians now, which struck me as odd. Is he trying to peel away every last demographic that doesn't think he's insane. Basically he said, if your church preaches social justice, you're in a Nazi church. Of course you are...

Roger Ebert has an amusing article about Beck's comments. At one point after Beck tells Ebert to call his church to make sure it's not into the whole Social Justice thing, Ebert writes:
I was on the brink of picking up the phone and asking Francis Cardinal George if he was down on this whole social justice thing, but then I recalled that I no longer use the telephone. Do you suppose the cardinal texts?

Beck is a terrible force in politics and news media, but the most giving man in humour today. Seriously, he embodies ham. With like a honey-crazy glaze.

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